Silver Caddy – Stainless Steel Utensil Warmer and Holder

Stainless Steel Dining and Kitchen Utensils Holder, Warmer, Purifier - Silver Caddy

Supplied, Repaired, and Maintained by FOODMACH, INC.

As used by clients including major Fastfood Chains, Cafeterias and Mass Feeding Venues, Canteens, Universities, Hospitals, Hotels, Restaurants and Bars, and Industrial Companies across the Philippines

And many more clients, from large scale requirements up to small and medium sized businesses 

Silver Caddies – Best Top Quality SS Dining Utensils Holder, Warmer to keep your utensils, kitchen and dining forks, knives, and spoons sanitized, sterilized, and
safe from viruses, bacteria, and other harmful elements.

We are happy to provide you more details about this product including pricing, availability, logistics, and also share with you alternatives/options which may better suit your requirements.

Tap the INQUIRE Tab from the sub-menu below and contact us at Foodmach today 😊

FOODMACH provides REPAIR SERVICES as well as REPLACEMENT PARTS to ensure your Silver Caddies and Utensil Holders / Warmers remain running up to speed.

If you need Band Heaters,  Electric Wiring and Switches, or other replacement parts, we can readily supply you with these repair items and accessories.

Foodmach has over 40 years of experience in Food Service Equipment. We are highly trained to pinpoint and address equipment operation problems before they occur. We have full capacity to perform checks and repairs to prevent and/or attend to equipment breakdown.

Should you have any inquiries regarding Parts, Service & Maintenance, please contact us via the INQUIRE section right below.

Sure, we would love to hear from you! You can call us directly:


(+63 2) 8-724-8323
(+63 2) 8-723-3936
(+63 2) 8-724-0467


Monday to Friday: 9AM – 6PM
Saturday: 9AM – 12PM


Bona Commercial Condominium, 545 EDSA, Cubao, Quezon City, 1111, Philippines

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You can also chat with us instantly via FACEBOOK MESSENGER. Tap the FB Messenger icon on the lower-right corner of our page.

>> Or visit our Foodmach Inc. Facebook Page (@foodmachinc)

You can also email us your inquiry, and we will get back to you right away! Just fill in the inquiry form below: